If you have any answers to questions I haven't asked, feel free to answer them How easy do they stress? I've been very fortunate with River and have tried exposing him to a lot early in life so he gets used to things. I showed her some pictures of the Galahs and she thinks they are so beautiful.ĭiet requirements? ( I know the ecletus have special requirements)ĭo they bond to just one person? or to multiple family members? River's beak is a little intimidating for her, and she would like a bird a little smaller and not quite as large as a macaw, so we started looking at parrots and small Toos. She was also a size my mom was comfortable with. They're citron was absolutely beautiful and so sweet, mom just fell in love. I delivered some bird stands to a lady who owned a citron, and my mom was with me. But she had her heart set on one as soon as she could get the ok from my dad. The baby was already sold, so it kind of crushed her. She really likes the ecletus parrot, she saw one at a bird show, the female, and just thought she was so beautiful. Works the farm, and will have plenty of time to give her new baby. My brother and I will both be leaving for the 4yr university and my macaw, who she's grown attached to, will be coming with me. Will be leaving for school in the fall and River will be coming with me. I can read articles and books till I'm blue in the face, but the first hand experience from owners holds more weight with me than anything else.

If anyone owns all 3 birds and has input please tell! but I'd be happy hearing how your babies are. Needing some first hand experienced owners opinions on their fids personalities. If you don’t see a personalisation section, you can always message the seller with your request too.Hi guys. Some sellers on Etsy also offer personalized, made-to-order items in case you’ve found something you love but want to make it even more uniquely yours.

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