- #Pillars of eternity character creation wizard update#
- #Pillars of eternity character creation wizard code#
"m_selectedPartyMembers -> Slot 1 -> CharacterStatsMutable Stats -> m_persistentCharacterStatsMutable". "m_selectedPartyMembers -> Slot 1 -> CharacterStatsMutable Stats -> m_persistentCharacterStatsMutable -> m_skillsList". "Skills Set to Massive?" sets Skills to massive.

"Attributes Set to Massive?" sets Attributes to massive. "Hull and Sail Health Set to Massive?" sets Hull and Sail health to massive. "ReputationManager Stats -> m_persistentReputationManager -> PlayerDisposition -> m_dispositions". "Quantity Set to Massive?" sets Quantity to massive. "GameState_static Stats -> s_instance -> m_persistentGameState -> IgnoreResourceLimits". "GameState_static Stats -> s_instance -> m_persistentGameState -> CheatsEnabled". "Money Set to Massive?" sets Money to massive. "Zoom Set to Massive?" sets Zoom limit to massive. "Loot Range Set to Massive?" sets Loot Range to massive. "Morale Set to Massive?" sets Morale to massive. The sailor must still rank jobs normally. This only sets experience so disable after using to allow the sailor to gain more experience. "Experience Set to Massive?" sets Experience to massive. "Consumption Status Set to Massive?" sets Food and Drink consumption status to massive and never starve. "Supplies Set to Massive?" sets Supplies to massive. This is actual Stealth, not invisibility. "Stealth Set to Massive?" sets Stealth to massive, undetectable and easy stealing. May need to select the recipe twice to take effect. "Most Requirements / Ingredients Set to 0?" removes most Crafting / Enchant recipe requirements. "Distance Set to 50?" sets Distance to 50. "Enemy Ammunition Set to 0?" sets Enemy ammunition to 0. "Hull and Sail Health Set to Massive?" sets Hull and Sail Health to massive.

"WorldTime Stats -> m_persistentWorldTime -> m_persistentGameDateTime". "Speed Set to Massive?" fixed to not take effect during combat. "Fog of War Set to Massive?" sets Fog of War distance to massive. "Quantity Set to Massive?" hopefully fixed to not affect Grimoires. Activate (put an X) the "Base Address Scan (To Activate: YYY, To Update: ZZZ)" script.ĭ. Activate (put an X) the "Initialization (Activate This First)" script.Ĭ.
#Pillars of eternity character creation wizard update#
Scripts with "To Update: XXX" will only update their effect after doing action XXX.Īddresses with "XXX?" will enable the script effect XXX when 1 is put into the Value.ī.

Scripts with "To Activate: XXX" can only be activated (put an "X" into the box) after doing action XXX.
#Pillars of eternity character creation wizard code#
Game generates code at runtime so table has a high chance of not working / detecting the wrong code / crashing. Simple table for Pillars of Eternity II : Deadfire, may or may not work.